The Thinking Out Loud Podcast with Kevin Wilson

{Ep.128} The Top 10 Frequently Asked LGBTQ+ Questions and Biblical Answers

Thinking Out Loud Media Season 4 Episode 128

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In this episode, Kevin answers ten of the most frequently asked questions surrounding the LGBTQ+ community.  

If homosexuality is a sin, why didn’t Jesus address it?
Why would God allow someone to have homosexual desires if it’s wrong?
Is it possible to be a gay Christian?
Is homosexuality only forbidden in the Old Testament? 
What if I feel like I'm trapped in the wrong body?
What's wrong with Love is Love? 
How do I help an unsaved friend out of the LGBTQ+ lifestyle?
My child is gay. How do I reach them? 
What's the harm if I love my partner and we are faithful to each other?
Is it wrong to attend a gay wedding?

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Kevin Wilson (00:01.7)
Welcome back to the thinking out loud podcast. My name is Kevin Wilson and I'm excited to be back here with you for another week of the show. And if you are listening to us for the first time, I just want to say welcome. We appreciate you listening and we have been in a short series here for this timeframe. We are talking to all things LGBTQ plus.

from a biblical perspective. And as we go through some of the things that we're going to talk about today, I want you to just be, I want you to be mindful that you should be in prayer and you need to carefully discern some of the things that we talk about today, because you may find yourself in some of these situations. You may have a family member or a friend.

someone you love, whatever the case may be, you may find yourself in one of these situations. And, you know, though I'm going to give you my thoughts and some wisdom that I feel that is from Scripture today. We're going to, of course, use Scripture to back up the things that we say. But I also want to make sure that, you know, even though we do that, make sure that you are discerning well.

that you are researching scripture, that you are getting with your pastor and, you know, consulting them to say, Hey, here's what's going on. Just need some wisdom, just need some, some, some knowledge here, and some prayer. Right. And so I think that is very, very, very important. And so, I, you know, as we go through these things today, I'm just going to share.

some of my thoughts, on the frequently asked questions around the LGBTQ plus community from a biblical perspective. And I think this is going to be really informative. I think it'll be, something that you can listen back to and really, get some, get some information and wisdom, from what we're going to talk about today.

Kevin Wilson (02:24.964)
Also, we've got kind of a fascinating surprise for you. So make sure that you stay tuned for next episode. The next episode we've got. We're cooking up something pretty cool. And I don't want to say exactly what it is, because I just want to make sure that everything works out well. But you're not going to want to miss the next episode. It is just going to be fascinating. And.

You know, if you didn't get a chance to listen to the last episode, please make sure that you do. We talk about all the things that has to do with the LGBTQ plus community, identity, all of that stuff. What does the Bible say about it? I mean, there's just there's so much that we cover on that episode. And so.

I want to jump right in today. I think what we're going to talk about today is very important and, let's, I want, let's go, let's go ahead and go through some of the most commonly asked questions around the LGBTQ plus, conversation, from a biblical perspective.

And the the first question that you that we get a lot and that we hear is if homosexuality is a sin, why didn't Jesus address it? Right. So if homosexuality is a sin, why didn't Jesus address it? And I would say that Jesus didn't address a lot of things specifically.

Okay. Now it doesn't mean that it's not in the Bible. Okay. It doesn't mean that it's not in the Bible. It doesn't mean that it wasn't addressed. Jesus specifically. Now remember Jesus is God. So he, you know, when you think about all of the people who wrote the Bible, the Bible says that, that God's this, the word of God,

Kevin Wilson (04:41.956)
is God breathed or it's God inspired. So even though Jesus may not have out of his mouth said something while he was here on earth specifically to that, he did address it in principle. OK, and I think that's a fair question. Right. If homosexuality is a sin, if that's such a big deal, why didn't Jesus address it directly?

And here's where I think that we can really draw from what, what Jesus really thought about marriage. Okay. Because I think he establishes this very, very well. So it's in Matthew 19 verses four through six. He says at the beginning, the creator made them male and female. So he's, he's already, so, you know, the transgender part.

He's already saying, hey, look, I made them male and I made them female. I didn't make them transgender. I didn't make males to to be females. I didn't make females to be males. None of that. I specifically created them male and female. Right. And then it says, for this reason, a man will leave his father and his mother.

and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no man separate. All right. So so here's Jesus establishing what marriage looks like, what a relationship, a romantic.

you know, relationship, and I'm not talking about, you know, if you meet somebody and you're not married yet and, you know, and having sex, that's not what I'm talking about when I say romantic, but a romantic relationship between a man and a woman is what God has established. There is nowhere in scripture where you see Jesus addressing marriage that is between a man and a man or woman and a woman.

Kevin Wilson (07:09.188)
So although Jesus didn't say the actual words homosexual or he didn't maybe address this, that somebody would say head on his book, which is the Bible does address this head on. And I believe that Jesus addressed this in principle, right here in Matthew 19 verses four through.

Six. Right. Here's another question. Why would God allow someone to have homosexual desires if it's wrong? Right. Why in the world would God allow somebody to have these desires that feel right? Right. They feel right, but they're wrong.

But isn't that like, isn't that kind of like unfair? Like, why? Why would God do that? And I want to I want to address that. OK. And this kind of goes into the thing of, you know, I feel like that I was born gay or I feel like I was born, you know, attracted to the same sex. You say, Kev, like every, you know, ever since I was a little kid, I've always felt.

that I was attracted to the same sex. OK. And some of this we covered in the last episode a little bit. Right. But I want to specifically target these questions specifically because I think it's very, very important that we we do so. OK. So why we got allow that? Well, let's look at Psalms 51 and five Psalms 51 and five says surely.

I was sinful at birth. Sinful from the time my mother conceived me. Not sinful from the time that my mother had me, right? And I came into this world. But literally the scripture says in Psalms 51 .5, it says, surely I was sinful at birth.

Kevin Wilson (09:33.444)
And then it goes a step further. It says, I, it says sinful from the time my mother conceived me.

So this backs us all the way up to when you were actually conceived.

When you were conceived, you were conceived and you were sinful. This is why again, we need a savior. Well, people say, well, but I was born this way. Well, this is why Jesus said, you must be born again. So, so think about this. Okay. So why would God allow someone to have these homosexual desires? Well, here's what you have to understand.

that everyone when they are born, they are born with a proclivity towards some type of sin. Okay. All of us are. Just because we have a proclivity or a bet towards a certain sin, it doesn't mean that that sin obviously is right or that's something that we should be doing just because from the womb we felt like...

that that's something that we've wanted that we want to do or something that we should do. Okay. But the Bible is very clear that when we are born and we are when we are conceived, we have sinful desires. We have these sinful issues. And again, this is why we need a savior. And it's not God's fault.

Kevin Wilson (11:18.5)
Right? If you go back to Genesis and you look at how God created the world, God created the world and he said, hey, it's good. There was no sin. Right. Adam and Eve were in perfect relationship with God walking in the garden. He visited them. I mean, everything there was no thorns on the rose bushes. There was no sickness. There was no disease. There was no.

They didn't have to work for their crops and all of these things. I mean, everything was great.

The thing that changed was not God. It was humans that changed. And because those humans changed, right? We sinned. This is why you say, well, I don't understand why God allows these desires and this and that. It's not that God wanted you to have these desires, but when sin entered into the world, you are now born with all kinds of different things.

Right? We're born with proclivities toward sin or bent towards certain sense. Right? We're born with diseases and maladies and things that we wouldn't have been if we hadn't sinned.

Kevin Wilson (12:46.916)
So, you know, I look at this and I say, well, no, that's not a God thing. That is an us thing. Right. And scripture is clear when it talks about that. So even though you feel like that and my heart goes out to you and I don't look at you and go, no, I look at you with compassion. I look at you with grace. I look at you with...

with, with empathy and say, man, I man or woman, like I, I sympathize with you, right? I, I, I, I'm there with you because just like you, I have bets towards certain things, but what I have to do every single day is bow my knee to a God, to the God that created me.

That's what's most important, not how I feel. It's about what the word of God says about how I feel. Right. So if my feelings don't line up with scripture, well, then I need to subject those feelings and arrest those feelings and bring them under subjection to the law of Christ. All right. Let's see. Number three.

Can you be gay and a Christian? Can you be gay and a Christian? And I know that a lot of you that are, you know, a lot of you, you probably are hearing that. You know, I know for certain that I see a lot of churches, a lot of...

people who are in the LGBTQ plus lifestyle and they do believe that you can be a gay Christian or you can be gay and a Christian. Well, here's, here's what you have to understand. Okay. That being gay is not an identity. Well, we talked about this a little bit last time. It's a behavior.

Kevin Wilson (15:07.78)
So when you say things like, well, can I be gay and a Christian? Well, here's the issue with that. Okay. you can't live a gay lifestyle and be a Christian because literally Christian means being Christ like, or like Christ. And when we look at scripture and we see all the things that scripture says about the homosexual lifestyle. And if.

If you don't know some of those scriptures, please listen to the last episode. I went through many scriptures that were very plain about homosexuality and what got how God sees homosexuality. OK. But when you look at this, you know, we are to be like Christ. And if we're going to be like Christ, there is no room.

for homosexuality because the Bible says that homosexuality is an abomination to God. OK, now here's and so here's what you're here's what you have to understand. So when you say things like, well, can I be a gay Christian? You're using that in a way that that's an identity. It's not an identity. I don't know how I can, you know, say that even more plain. But being gay is that an identity.

It is a behavior. So, no, you can't be a gay Christian. Now, as as we go down some of these questions, you'll understand I'm getting ready to read the scripture here in a second, but you'll understand that you can have these. You can struggle with same sex attraction. OK, it doesn't mean just because you struggle with same sex, sex attraction that you're not a Christian.

But there's a difference between living that lifestyle and struggling, okay, struggling with temptation for that lifestyle. Big, big difference. Okay. You know, we always, you know, I always tell, tell people if you're in a struggle, struggle well, but you're not struggling well when you're actually living in that lifestyle. So let's look at the scripture.

Kevin Wilson (17:32.836)
Can we be a Christian and gay? Let's see what the scripture says. First Corinthians 6 verses 9 through 11.

1 Corinthians 6 verses 9 through 11. All right.

Let's look at what it says. It says, or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither the sexual immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers, nor men who have sex with men, nor thieves, nor the greedy nor drunkards, nor slanderers, no swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

And that is what some of you were. Notice what, notice what Paul is saying to the Corinthians here. He says, that is what some of you were, but you were washed. man. You were sanctified. Right? So you were set apart. You were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the spirit of our God.

there's your freedom right there. So he says, he goes, yeah, some of you guys, some of you people, yeah, you were adulterers, you were idolaters, you were sexually immoral, you were swindlers, you were men who had sex with men. But he says, that was some of you.

Kevin Wilson (19:25.22)
But now you have been washed, you have been sanctified and you've been justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ by the spirit of our God. So here's, here's the contract. Here's the contrast. Okay. Yes. When you didn't know Christ, you lived, you were in perpetual.

sin because you were living in it. This was your lifestyle. But the difference between a person who is a Christian and a non -Christian is that lifestyle of doing these things are gone. It doesn't mean that sometimes you don't have a temptation towards those things. But the temptation in it of itself is not

the issue, it is the behavior and it is the constant lifestyle, right? That causes you to be in sin. Now, but if you say, Hey, Kev, I've been saved. I've been washed. I've been sanctified. Well, guess what? You are a part of the body of Christ. And you know what? It's no longer you, but it's Christ that lives in you.

Right? So Christ lives through you. So maybe before you lived as a gay man or you lived as a gay woman, right? Or you lives, you lived as a transgender person, but now that Christ lives in you, you no longer live that way. But it doesn't mean just like a heterosexual person that you're not going to have temptation at times. Now there are some people.

that God takes all of that design, everything completely away. It's just gone. Never again do they think about it or have temptation or whatever the case may be. But there are some people who that doesn't happen for. OK, and they have to struggle what I would call struggle well. Right. They have to they struggle well. All right.

Kevin Wilson (21:48.036)
And so I think we have to be, I think we, we have to understand that if we're going to be like Christ.

then we have to give up those lifestyles that are not like Christ. Right. It's that's that's extremely, extremely important. So can you be gay and a Christian? I would say no, not based on what scripture says. You can't live in that lifestyle and be Christ like. Right. You got it. You have to pick.

One. OK. All right. Let's look at the next question and or this was more of a statement that people say at times is I heard that homosexuality is an Old Testament law. OK. And they'll say, well, that was Old Testament. That was that was back before Jesus came. And when Jesus came, he really didn't say anything about.

homosexuality and that's just, you know, that that's over, you know, just like those other laws that we don't pay the dietary laws and the civil and the ceremonial laws and all of that, you know, Jesus fulfilled all those. We don't have to worry about this, this whole homosexuality thing. Man, God loves everyone. He just wants everyone to, to be in love and all that folks. That's just simply not true. It's just simply not true.

The Bible is explicit about homosexuality, the homosexual, the homosexual lifestyle and what and what we are expected to do when it comes to those things. Right. And so I would say absolutely not. That is not just an Old Testament law. There are plenty of New Testament scriptures. And again,

Kevin Wilson (23:56.356)
I talked about this on I talked about this on the last show and gave you a bunch of scriptures and we just read one. All right. He says such were some of you. So, no, that's not an Old Testament thing. All right. So let's look at the next question. Frequently asked question. What if I feel like a man?

trapped in a woman's body or vice versa. Right? What if I feel like a woman that's trapped in a man's body? All right.

Here's what you have to understand is, you know, feelings. Remember, we read that scripture, right? We were born in sin. We were conceived also in sin. OK, we were born into a sinful world. So remember that, OK?

But feelings, and this is the reason why, that feelings are oftentimes sinful. They just are, right? You know, just because we have a feeling doesn't mean that we should act on it. That's just simple. I mean, you know that. You would tell that to your kids, right? Just because we have a feeling doesn't mean that we should act on it. And it certainly...

shouldn't become our identity. OK, just because we feel like we feel something doesn't mean that all of a sudden we start identifying by that thing. Right. We wouldn't do that with any thing else. Let's look at Jeremiah one and five. So you say, well, man, I I feel like I'm a woman trapped in the man's body or I feel like I'm a man trapped in a woman's body. Whatever the case may be. Here's what I here's here's what you you got to understand. God doesn't make.

Kevin Wilson (26:04.356)
mistakes. He just does it. Right. And I want you to I want you because I know that if you're listening to you struggle with this, I know it feels so natural and it feels like Kev, you just don't understand. But I this is the way I feel like I don't know how else to explain it to you, Kev. Like it just feels so natural to me.

to feel like the opposite sex. And here's what I would say to you. Let's read Jeremiah one and five. You ask me.

You ask me if this is God.

trapping you, okay, in the opposite sex body. You tell me if this is God that is trapping you in the wrong body, okay? He says in Jeremiah 1 and 5, he says, before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. I knew you. He says, before you were born, I set you apart. He's talking to Jeremiah here, but there's a principle that we can extract.

from this, right? He says, before you were born, I set you apart. I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. So basically this is God's talking to Jeremiah and he's saying, look, man, before you were even born, I knew you. I knew you. God is intentional about you. God is not going to put you and create you in a body with a mind.

Kevin Wilson (27:54.5)
in a man's body when you're supposed to be a woman or in a woman's body when you're supposed to be a man. God is not there to confuse you. If there is any confusion, can I level with you and let you know that that's the enemy?

It's because you were born into a fallen world. It's just like that scripture. You were born in sin and you were literally conceived in sin. This is why we need the savior. If you are struggling with homosexuality, if you are struggling with transgenderism, I encourage you, I implore you to lean into the God who made you not

further away from him because the further you lean into him, the more you will understand your true identity. The more that you will understand who God created you to be. The closer you get to the creator, the more you will understand the creation. Right? Move towards the creator and the

The more and the closer you get around him, the more you will find out who you are and who you were created to be. You can't get your identity from a feeling. You can't get your identity from a social construct. You can't get your identity from society.

You can't get your identity from any of those things. Your identity is only found in Christ. Right? Not your feelings. Listen what Psalms 139 and 14 says. It says, I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works.

Kevin Wilson (30:09.316)
are wonderful and I know that full well. Think about it, okay?

There's no confusion there. There's no, you know, and I know a lot of you who struggle with transgenderism. I know a lot of you, you're depressed a lot. You have anxiety and you have suicidal thoughts and you have all of these things because you're like, but.

I, I, my body is this, my body, you know, when I look at my body in the mirror, I see one thing, but I feel something totally different. Can I tell you that is the enemy that is trying his best to confuse you? The Bible says that God is not the author of confusion.

So if you're confused, realize that that's not of God.

The Bible is not going to say God is not the author of confusion and then turn around and perpetually confuse you.

Kevin Wilson (31:25.06)
It's just not gonna happen. That's what the devil does. The devil tries to get you to believe things that are not true. And the best way he can do that is to make you feel like it's true.

Kevin Wilson (31:43.844)
Right? And I want you to experience freedom when you listen and you hear these scriptures that talk about how intentional that God was about you when he created you.

That's so important. It's so important that you understand.

that you are fearfully and you are wonderfully made. And those of you that are listening that you are not, you might be struggling with other stuff, right? You may not struggle with the LGBTQ plus things. You may not struggle with that. You might struggle with your self -esteem. You might struggle with your identity in Christ. You might struggle with feeling like you don't add up and all of these things.

these same scriptures apply to you. You're not an oops. You're not an accident. You're not a happenstance. You're not a, you know, an afterthought. I don't care what your parents thought, right? we, you know, you know, you wouldn't have been here if, if, if this and that look, it doesn't matter. God already knew before the world began, he knew you.

Did you hear what he said to Jeremiah the prophet? He said before you were in the womb. I knew you God knows every single person that will ever grace this planet He knows every baby that's gonna be aborted. He knows every miscarriage He knows he says before you were in the womb. I knew you

Kevin Wilson (33:33.476)
And though he was talking to Jeremiah in that particular scripture, the same principle can be extracted for our lives today. All right.

Kevin Wilson (33:52.836)
Remember, so when we talk about, you know, when you're when you're talking about, hey, you know, I feel like I'm trapped in the wrong body. Remember that scripture we read earlier where Jesus said. He made them male. And female, that's what he did, OK, he didn't trap anybody, he didn't do anything weird, he just made the male and female. That's all that's what he did. And it was good.

So if you're feeling any way different, just know that's not of God. All right, let's look at the next one.

So you hear and you see this phrase a lot of billboards and mugs and in t -shirts and all kinds of things. Love is love. Right. Like so what like what's wrong with that statement? Because we will say, well, but love, love is love. Right. Like like, you know, as long as I love the person, you know, whatever the case may be, here's here's what you have to understand. Right.

Love is love in the context that is used by the LGBTQ plus community is extremely unfortunate. And here's why it's it. What it does is it takes out the very author of love. Right. It it it strips love from his very assets and says, well, love is love.

It doesn't matter what it looks like. It doesn't matter who it is. Whatever. Love is love. Well, that's a problem. And that will end that will end very badly. And here's why. Love is is is only as good as its original is its original place, where it came from.

Kevin Wilson (35:52.868)
Right? Right? What kind of love is it? Because then what happens when somebody says, hey, you know, I'm a 40 year old man and I want to date a 15 year old. Right. Or a 10 year old. Well, I mean, love is love. Well, then that would apply to that relationship as well, because besides love is love. Right.

You say, well, Kevin, that's preposterous. It's ridiculous. I would never do anything like that. But what you have to understand is you are arguing from a point that can't be distributed.

across the people that you would love. Like it makes no sense. Right. You can't just say love is love. And here's why you can't say love is love. It's because in first John four, sixteen, listen to what it says. Listen to this. And so we know and we rely on the love God has for us. And then it says this, God is love, period.

whoever lives in love lives in God and God in them. Do you get what the scripture is saying? Like, like, like, so if you, if you're saying to me, Hey, Kevin, well, but love is love. No, no, no. The scripture says God is love.

Right. You you know, it's almost like that argument that I talked about when we talked about the prosperity gospel and I said, you know, faith, you know, people talk about faith. you know, faith is a force and all these other types of stuff. It's like, whoa, hold on. You can't have faith and faith. Right. Faith is only as good in the object in which it's placed. Right. You know, love is not just love. Love comes from something. There is a there is a central place.

Kevin Wilson (37:58.788)
where love was created and there was a reason and there is a job, if you will, for love, right? Love just doesn't exist just to be love. Like that's just not how that works because then again, you could apply that to a 10 year old and a 15 year old when you're 50 years old.

And you know as well as I do, that's not normal. That's not right. That would be sinful. That would be abuse. Right. And so the same thing is here. We're abusing the word love by saying love is love. No, love is God. And then when you look at first John four 16, it further wraps love into God by saying whoever lives in love.

lives in God, right? Basically, what the scripture is saying that love doesn't exist outside of God. So you can't have love is love. No, love is God and love doesn't exist outside of God. Understand that God is the one who came up with the concept of love. You wouldn't even know what love was if God didn't introduce love.

to the world. So you then can't take it back for yourself and say, well, I am the arbiter of knowing what love is, right? You know, love is love. As long as I love that person, that's all that matters. Love is love. Whether I love a man, two men love, two men love each other, two women love each other, a man and a woman loves each other, a polyamorous relationship is happening, where a man loves two women or, or, or what, what have you.

Right. Or or or to man love a woman like what? It just it never ends. If love is love, there's got to be some parameters. There's there's got to be some some barriers there because true love has barriers. You don't just get to to throw your love around and say, well, it doesn't matter who I love in a romantic. Yes, it does.

Kevin Wilson (40:24.26)
Love in and of itself because God is love and you can't separate the two it causes that love to be pure it causes that love to need to be holy and sanctified and set apart and to be the love that keeps us safe and secure and away from aberrant lifestyles and in in in from

from things that would degrade.

Kevin Wilson (40:59.844)
in nature, right? You have to understand this is what love is. Love is God. God is love.

Right? It, it, they're, they're simultaneous, right? They're together. You can't separate them.

Kevin Wilson (41:25.636)
You know, have you ever, you ever seen somebody do a video and they say, Hey, I don't own the rights to this. I don't own the rights to this, this music on this video. Guess what? We don't own the rights to love. God does. He is the original creator of love.

And he will never allow you to buy him out. You can never pay enough money to be able to get the buy the rights to love so that you can then flip it and turn it to what you want the definition of love to be. God defines love.

That is it. He gets to define it because he's the one that created it.

Kevin Wilson (42:16.644)
So when I see things like that, well, love is love. Well, unfortunately, or fortunately, however you want to look at it, it just doesn't work. It is again, a social construct. We have come up with these words and these things to fit a narrative that we want to make true.

But it's simply not true. And it's not biblical.

All right. Get down to the last few here, OK? Let's see. I have a family member who is not saved and is living the homosexual lifestyle. How do I help them out of that lifestyle? Well, I would say this. I would say that you have your priorities out of place.

OK, you say what? Yeah, you have your priorities out of place, because if you're saying I have a family member who is not saved and he's living a whole this person is living a homosexual lifestyle. How do I help them out of that lifestyle? Here's your problem. You don't. You don't help them out of the lifestyle. You know why? Because your priorities, you're putting the cart before the horse. First, the person needs to.

have a relationship with Jesus Christ. They need to accept Jesus Christ as their savior, right? You don't, you know, there's so many people out here that's trying to get people not to be gay. That's not the goal. The goal is to get as many people to be believers in Christ as possible. That's the goal.

Kevin Wilson (44:11.588)
not to see how many people that we could.

Kevin Wilson (44:20.676)
not to see how many people that we can turn from being gay. Right? That's not the goal. Right? Because people don't go to hell because they're gay. People go to hell because they don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ. And once a person gets a relationship with Christ,

and they begin to read their Bible and they begin to go to a good Bible believing church and they begin to get into community with good people who care about them and love them and want to see them succeed and grow in their relationship with God. Guess what's going to happen? They're going to find out and God's going to begin to work on their heart about their same sex attractions and their same sex relationships or whatever they've got going on in their life.

just like a heterosexual person, right? That that person may have come to Christ and they might have been an adulterer. They might have been a person who was addicted to pornography. They might have been a person who was a whatever. I mean, name your sin. But when God comes into your life, what does he do? Does he do? He starts the process of sanctification in our life. And that process of sanctification is to make us more like.

Jesus, right? More like Jesus. If you want to look at an example of who you should be like, read the gospels. Jesus was not gay.

Jesus was not fearful. Jesus was not suicidal. Jesus was not confused about his gender. Jesus was not angry and mean and I mean name all the things, right? He is our example. So if you wanna, you say, well, but everybody else, I feel like these, all these people are hypocrites. Okay, well don't look at them. Look at Jesus. Keep your eyes.

Kevin Wilson (46:26.532)
on Jesus. Because if you say that you want to be a Christian or that's what your goal is, that means that you want to be Christ -like or like Christ. So when we look at people who are living this lifestyle, but they're not saved, the first order of business is for that person to be saved.

Kevin Wilson (46:55.204)
right? Not, let's try to get them not to be gay, right? It takes the power of the Holy Spirit to change a person's heart and their mind just like it did for those of you that are listening that are heterosexual.

Kevin Wilson (47:16.26)
same power.

Kevin Wilson (47:20.068)
All right.

what if my child is gay?

What do I do? And I know this one's tough, and I know that there has been a lot of parents who at at at at at some point, your child may have come to you and said, hey, mom, dad, I'm gay or I've come out or I'm whatever, whatever words they've used. And as a parent, you've been devastated. You see, well, what did I do wrong? What did I?

Did I mess something up or did I do that? You know what? Listen, listen, listen to me.

I think sometimes we make this a drama. I really do. And there's going to be some of you that's not going to agree with me on this and that's okay. Okay. And I'm not saying again, I told you at the, at the top of the show, I said, look, you need to discern for yourself. You need to read the scriptures for yourself and you need to get with your pastor. I am not your pastor. I am giving you my thoughts. I've given you scripture and I'm giving you, you know, right now what I, what I

Kevin Wilson (48:33.188)
What I'm thinking and what I'm feeling and the wisdom that, that I've gathered over the years of being in ministry for 20 years. But that means absolutely nothing. If you feel and you sense that God is speaking something completely different to you, just make sure it's biblical. Right.

But somebody might say, Hey, you know what, Kev, my, my child's gay. My, you know, my daughter, my son, or they're, they're struggling with their gender. My, my daughter's changed her name or my son's changed his name or, you know, they, they're, they're dressing like the opposite sex, whatever the case may be. You know what you need to do as a parent? And I mean this with all my heart. You need to love that child.

I don't care if they're 10, if they're 15, I don't care if they're 35, I don't care if they're 65. Love your children.

Kevin Wilson (49:43.332)
Love your children.

Kevin Wilson (49:49.604)
Why would you treat them differently with this than you would with anything else? Right? If you found out your kid was struggling with pornography or if you found out your kid was struggling with, I don't know, anger issues or you name it, whatever, stealing or whatever the case may be, you're not going to disown your kid. But there's so many parents.

That I've heard there that kids have been put out on the street. Do you know there's a huge population of youth that are in the LGBTQ plus community and they're homeless because they've had issues when they've come out to their parents or their family or their guardians or whoever is watching over them. Your you are to love your children.

You do not get to escape your responsibility to take care of and to nurture and to pray for and to be there for your children. When they, when they have a proclivity towards a sin or a behavior that is foreign to you. See the thing that here's, here's the thing that we do as parents sometimes because.

You know, like if our kids, if you're a dad and you have a 15 year old son, he comes to you and say, dad, I'm really struggling. I'm struggling with not watching pornography or looking up something that I shouldn't look up or whatever the case may be nine times out of 10, that dad is going to, is going to be able to empathize with that, with, with his kid. Right. son, I've been there before. son, I know how hard it can be.

You know, and I, you know, here's what I do and here's some books and here's all the things that we rally around and we do all the things. But then if our son comes to us and when they say, Hey dad.

Kevin Wilson (51:55.716)
you know, Billy down the street, that's my boyfriend now, or, you know, dad, I'm, I'm struggling with liking other boys.

Or a girl comes to her mother or her father and say, Hey, you know, Bella down the street. Yeah, that's my girlfriend now. Or we're dating or I'm, you know, whatever the case may be, because that's something that you may not have dealt with. It is so foreign to you. We get weird, right? We get weird and it's almost like, you know, our emotions, you know, because, you know, as you know, when emotions.

go up, intelligence goes down. And we wig out and we just go, my gosh, I don't know what to do. And then we say stupid things, right? We get overly just, we get crazy. And these kids need your love more than ever when they come to you and they felt comfortable enough to say something to you.

You are to surround them with love. You are surround them with, and yes, they already know that you don't support that lifestyle. If you are an evangelical Christian and you are a Bible believing family, and maybe you're a single mom or a single dad and you go to church or you're whatever the case may be, they know.

Right. They they know that that's not something that you agree with. So you don't have to keep you don't have to harp on them. It's almost like the young lady who comes home and she's pregnant. Out of wedlock, right. Not married, gets pregnant, comes home, mom, dad, I'm pregnant. And then they go on a tirade about that. And it's like, but why? She already knew.

Kevin Wilson (53:56.42)
that this was wrong. She already knew that this was wasn't, you know, you're this would be disappointing to you. Right. Why continue to beat that into them? And it's the same thing here. Love your children well. Stop acting like it's catchy. Right. You know, they should be invited to the dinner table just like you invite anyone else. They are humans.

Kevin Wilson (54:29.924)
These are human beings and they should be treated as human beings. And this is where I feel that we've got off as a church and as Christians, I should say, right? Is that we get weird and don't get me wrong. And I'm not saying, you're like, well, but Kev, it's like pushed in our face and there's flags and there's days and there's months now and there's...

There's whole marches at this and that they're just pushing it into our face.

Kevin Wilson (55:07.972)
but I can pretty much guarantee you.

Kevin Wilson (55:15.332)
That though, yes, a lot of things are being pushed in our faces right now. Nine times out of 10, that's not what your son and daughter are doing. Your son and daughter has real issues at the moment. They are really feeling like they are trapped in the wrong body. They really do feel like that and are very real when they say, hey, I'm attracted to so and so down the street who's of the same sex or I'm going to bring home my girlfriend and I'm your daughter.

or whatever the case may be, right? These are real things and we need to look at them as real.

And I know I'm camping out here for a second, but this is where we drop the ball. Because if you start yelling and talking and throwing stuff around and telling them how wrong they are and all this other type of stuff, when they want to change, who do you think they're going to come back to? You? The person that berated them? The person that acted like that they were otherworldly that looked at them like they're an exhibit? Like,

Why would they come to you? No, they're going to come to the person who showed them love and who showed them respect and who treated them like a human. And that's what we should do as Christians. I am not saying that you should condone sin. I spent all this time talking about, especially in the last episode, how this is a behavior and a lifestyle that is completely contrary to the word of God.

But there are many things that people do that are completely contrary to the word of God. And we find it in our little hearts to forgive. We find it in our hearts to, to understand and embrace and love in spite of. We need to find it in our hearts to do the same when it comes to the LGBTQ plus community. We are to be the lights.

Kevin Wilson (57:22.404)
of the world and lights you could do two things with lights and I've said this before on the show you can either take a you take your light and you could show them the path.

to freedom, or you can take that same light and you can blind a person to where they can't see an inch in front of them. Why? Because the light that you have has literally blinded them.

God is not interested in you using your light to blind folks. The Word of God and scripture is meant for you to light the path for people who don't know Christ.

Kevin Wilson (58:16.58)
love your children. Again, I'm not saying that condone condone everything, right? You know, but I mean, there are people who don't even invite their kids over anymore. Well, you you you're not going to be around this family if you're going to have that kind of like, what are you talking about? You're these are not animals. I get passionate about this, this part, right? These they're not animals, they're not some exhibit. This is.

This is your daughter. This is your son. This is your cousin. This is your uncle. This is just no invite them to Christmas dinner.

Invite them to Chris to you know, whatever birthday or whatever you have the barbecue whatever the case may be why treat them as if they're not human How is that for a Christian witness?

Kevin Wilson (59:20.644)
Kevin Wilson (59:24.228)
Last two.

But what's the harm if I love the person and they love me? This kind of goes back to that love is love. Well. Just like I said, you know, because we get this a lot, right? Well, well, I love that person, that person loves me like, you know, it's a it's a relationship like I'm not cheating on the person. I'm, you know, I'm being faithful to them and like, I don't understand why that's.

It's such a big deal. The person happens to be the same sex instead of the opposite sex. Like I don't understand. I genuinely love this person. They genuinely love me. We're going to get married and we are going to stay faithful to each other for the rest of our lives. How is that not a thing?


Kevin Wilson (01:00:13.764)
God created love and God has to be the ultimate authority on what the definition of love is.

and how love is displayed in the earth. And God has said, not Kevin, right? Not, you know, but God has said he's defined what marriage should be. And it's between a man and a woman. Folks, I don't know why God, look, you know, I mean, I'll level with you. I don't know.

why God didn't create the world to where you could love whatever, you know, the same sex or or what? I don't know. I truly don't. And I think sometimes we we as Christians, we need to start being honest and just say, I don't know. Right now, I do know logically the way it works right now is that if everybody was gay, well, then we wouldn't have people.

But why didn't God make it to where a man could marry a man and a woman could marry a woman? And we still be able to procreate and all that? I have no idea. I don't know. But he is God. Right? He's the one who came up with all of the things that you see. It's him.

So just because we don't understand something or just because we think something is okay doesn't mean it is. Trust God.

Kevin Wilson (01:02:07.332)
All right.

Kevin Wilson (01:02:12.1)
You know, we have this idea that we can love people greater than God does. Impossible. You can't love somebody more than God loves somebody. So you say, well, but but I but I love this person. I'm just going to be in this relationship and I'm going to be faithful. Well, you don't truly love the person if you're in a relationship with somebody that God says you shouldn't be in a relationship with you. That's selfishness. God is saying, no, you can't shouldn't do that. That's not good for you.

And you go, no, no, no, but I love that person. No, no, no, you don't truly. You think you do. You, you lust that person, right? But you don't love that person because you truly love that person.

You would, you would have to deny your own flesh and say, you know what, although I like you and I'm attracted to you, I can't be with you because being with you causes us both to live in sin. And if I truly love you, I am not going to drag you into sin. That's true love.

Kevin Wilson (01:03:19.812)
The last one is, should I attend a gay wedding? Here's what I'm going to say about that. I have my own thoughts.

But I think that this is a thing that you need to, you need to pray about. You need to consult your pastor and it needs to be between you and God.

Some of you want, you just expect me to go absolutely not.

Here's what I'm gonna say and I'm gonna say it again.

You need to talk to God about that. Talk to God. It's not a cop out, you know, I'm going to always point you back to God, not to Kevin, because what Kevin thinks and what Kevin wants and what Kevin thinks should happen is just as invalid as everybody else's opinion that I just said didn't matter. Remember I said that and I was like, you know what? All that matters is what God says.

Kevin Wilson (01:04:27.364)
It comes that it also applies to me. My opinion does not matter. It matters. What God says folks. I pray that as you deal with these issues and you, you deal with these things, in your own families, I pray with all of my heart that God will guide you, that God will lead you into all truth.

And if you struggle in this area in your life, can I tell you that I love you? Can I tell you that I respect you as a human?

I see you, I affirm you as a person. I don't affirm, I may not affirm your lifestyle, but I affirm you as a person.

You are heard, you are seen, and you are loved by God. And God wants nothing but the absolute best for your life.

Kevin Wilson (01:05:34.372)
And I pray that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to see and open your ears to hear.

And that he would bless your mind to know your true identity and that you will for the rest of your life rest.

trust in the Creator who has created you and who has made you. We will see you next time for a very special episode. God bless you. I love you.

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